The After Prom will be selling flowers for the seniors at graduation.
All proceeds go towards the After Prom.
The deadline for pre-sale orders and payments is Monday, June 3rd. Orders may be picked up right outside the Welcome Center entrance before the graduation ceremony on June 7th. Orders that are not picked up will be given to students when they pick up their diplomas in the field house. Please check your email for more details or click on the link below.
We encourage everyone to pay online with a credit card through GoFan. At this time, free cash apps such as Venmo are unavailable. There is an additional fee paid through GoFan.
If you are placing multiple orders each order needs a separate form but payment can be combined online if purchasing using GoFan.
1 Rose with Personalized Message = $5
3 Roses with Baby’s Breath, Greens & Personalized Message = $20
6 Roses with Baby’s Breath, Greens & Personalized Message = $35
Paying cash – Send cash in an envelope with a student or you can drop off an envelope at the welcome center – attention Jenn Gaspar or Rick Quintin. Write the following on the envelope: Senior’s name – Your name – Contact number – Amount enclosed.
Paying by GoFan
The link to pay through GoFan can be found below but please don’t forget to submit this form. There is an additional fee associated with GoFan.
Please note that orders will not be processed until we have received payment. If you do not pay cash or credit by the deadline your order will not be processed.
Flowers can be purchased on the day of graduation but will not be personalized. Cash payment only. At this time, free cash apps such as Venmo are unavailable.
1 Rose = $5
3 Roses = $15
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Jenn Gaspar or Rick Quintin. (Email Jennifer Gaspar or Rick Quintin