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“Working as a teacher is diffrent each day, you are able to make a diffrence in kids lives’.”
Ashley Edwards

teacher at Greater New Bedford Voc-Tech

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Meet Ms. Ashley Edwards, a teacher at Greater New Bedford Voc-Tech.. Ms. Edwards started her teaching career by going to college for Elementary Education , but later switched her major. She ended up getting an undergraduate degree in Special Education, and preferred working with high school students. Ms. Edwards loves to work as a teacher. Since it is Ms Edwards first year at Voc, she is not involved with any after school programs. Working as a teacher at Voc is especially special because there are many different students at our school. Ms. Edwards loves to work as a teacher because every day is different. She is able to leave an impression on students, and hopefully make their day better than before. Ms. Edwards aims to make a difference in student’s lives, whether that be because she helped them in one of their classes, or just for being there with them.

Ms. Edwards says that she is most proud of watching students reach their goals. Whether it could be them getting a better grade, or something over ambitious. Ms. Edwards is always proud of her students when she sees them walk across the stage on graduation day. It’s definitely a highlight for her. She is always proud of her students, even if it is just that they felt out of reach for them. She’s glad to see her students accomplishing their goals.

In Ms. Edward’s free time, she enjoys riding horses, going out to eat, and reading. Her favorite thing about working as a teacher is that she can teach kids things and learn things they didn’t know they could. Another thing that Ms. Edwards is proud of raising her daughters. She says that they are her whole world, and mean everything to her.

Article and Picture by: Jaymey-Lea Weston, Senior Media Technology