Banner with school logo and school name and motto
Banner with school logo and school name and motto


Freshman Guidance Counselors

Erica Monteiro, Division 9-1
Phone: (508) 998-3321 Ext. 776  Fax: (508) 998-4657

Michelle Morris, Division 9-2
Phone: (508) 998-3321 Ext. 737 Fax: (508) 998-4657

Download the Grade 9 Brochure

Exploratory Program

During the first half of the year, freshmen explore fifteen (15) career/technical areas. Two areas are explored each cycle and the cycles alternate every six (6) days between academics and career/technical exploration. The curriculum in each areas is designed to acquaint the student with the type of work performed and the required skills needed to be successful. In addition, the exploratory process provides an opportunity for the student to evaluate his/her experiences, strengths, weaknesses, and interests and enables students to be better prepared to make an informed decision about their permanent career/technical program.

As students explore each career/technical area, they are encouraged to work to the best of their ability. Evaluation points are based on daily performance, attendance, conduct and effort. At the end of the exploratory period the points are totaled and combined with an average of the first trimester academic grades. This point total determines a student’s permanent program.

All freshmen MUST complete their Career Cruising assignments prior to selecting their permanent career and technical education program. Failure to do so may result in the student not being eligible for placement in the program that was their first choice.

Reminder: If a student is interested in exploring a shop that is NOT on his/her schedule, they may do so after school 2:30-3:00 p.m. or during Open House.  Students may contact their guidance counselor to make arrangements for after school exploratory.

Final Shop Selection

At the end of the exploratory program, students will have the opportunity to create a new list of the top 6 shops that they would like to be their permanent shop. While we STRONGLY recommend the list consist solely of shops students have explored during the day, after school or at Open House, the list may contain any shop they want. Please note students are to list the shops in order of importance so that the shop listed 1st is their number 1 pick, the shop listed 2nd is their number 2 pick and so on and so forth until the 6th pick. The selection form MUST be signed by a parent/guardian and by the student and both signatures must be in pen.


  • 9-2 Freshman Shop Selection Forms Distributed Thursday, January 16th
  • 9-2 Freshman Shop Selection Forms Due Friday, January 17th
  • 9-1 Freshman Shop Selection Forms Distributed Monday, January 27th
  • 9-1 Freshman Shop Selection Forms Due Tuesday, January 28th
  • Final Shops Awarded Thursday, January 30th
  • Snow Date: Friday January 31st

All students are REQUIRED to be present for the above referenced dates.

Student/Parent Information System

Students: log in to the Aspen Student Portal. The URL or website is: www, Students should use the same username and password that they use to log into the network at school.

Parents: Please submit a technology request if you need your credentials to log-on to the system. 

Remind App

Stay in the loop on upcoming events & important information by receiving mobile messages from your child’s guidance counselor!

Smart Phone App

  • Erica Monteiro (9-1) – Open your web browser and go to the following link:
  • Follow the instructions to sign up for Remind. You’ll be prompted to download the mobile app.
  • Michelle Morris (9-2) – Open your web browser and go to the following link:
  • Follow the instructions to sign up for Remind. You’ll be prompted to download the mobile app.

Text Notifications

  • Erica Monteiro (9-1) – Text the message @74afehc to the number 81010.
  • Michelle Morris (9-2) – Text the message @b86c84 to the number 81010.
  • *Standard text messages rates apply

Don’t have a mobile phone? Sign up for email notifications:

  • Erica Monteiro (9-1) – Go to on a desktop computer to sign up.
  • Michelle Morris (9-2) – Go to on a desktop computer to sign up.