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In our alumni spotlight series, learn about our graduates and how GNB Voc-Tech impacted their professional and personal lives.  What did our alumni do directly after high school, what are they currently doing, and what skills did they gain here that shaped who they are today?
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GNB Voc-Tech Artisan Spotlight ...

Henry Bousquet

alumni chef Henry Bousquet Portrait Picture

Culinary Arts

class of 1994

alumni spotlight chef henry showing off bread that looks like a man

Henry Bousquet

Culinary Arts Teacher



GNBVT gave me the foundation to build a sturdy house of skills and habits that make me a good employee. Chef’s tend to be natural artisans. We use food, flavors, and aromas to take you on a journey into flavor-town.

Henry's Story

Q: Why did you choose Greater New Bedford Voc-Tech as your high school?

A: Because it was going to be a fun place to go with only half a year of academic work, which bored me as a kid.

Q: Describe your overall GNB Voc-Tech Experience.  (Did you participate in any extracurricular activities or go on a placement/​co-op while in school?)

A: I had a blast! Loved related, loved co op, loved all my teachers. I was in a great group of people, and enjoyed making life long friendships as a result.

I was a VICA Kid, and went to work as soon as I was allowed. I was awarded the Teacher’s Award as well.

Henry's Advice

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To Future Bears

Hard work, generosity, and self discipline are the keys to a successful life adventure.

To Current Students

Always try to succeed at a level that will make future you want to say thank you.

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To Graduates

Once High School is over, get right into life! Do not wait – go to work, go to school, travel. Cultivate your personal network and attack every day with purpose.

alumni spotlight Chef Henry at the Chocolate Expo with GNBVT coworkers


I have recently got into gardening and learning about plants as medicine.

I think everyone who graduated from GNBVT should get involved in some way with the Alumni Association.

Q: What did you first do after graduation?

A: I went to work, realized the old line cooks were miserable, and enrolled in BCC looking for a degree in something I was interested in.

Q: What has your career path been like?

A: I got a degree in Communications. Went to Bridgewater State and hated it… Joined the Walt Disney World College Program as a culinary assistant and worked for the Mouse. Came home and went to UMASS Dartmouth for 1 semester and equally hated that. Started subbing at GNBVVT in 1999. Bought and sold two restaurants, got married , had children, and opened a full service bar and grille, ran for city council, became a full time teacher by 2007. The rest as they say, is history. I have remained in the industry working nearly fulltime and teaching for the last 17 years.

Q: Tell us about your current job position and list some of the skills you need in your trade.

A: I am a chef instructor and the most important ingredient is patience.