GNB Voc-Tech Artisan Spotlight ...
Henry Bousquet
Culinary Arts
class of 1994

Henry Bousquet
Culinary Arts Teacher
GNBVT gave me the foundation to build a sturdy house of skills and habits that make me a good employee. Chef’s tend to be natural artisans. We use food, flavors, and aromas to take you on a journey into flavor-town.
Henry's Story
A: Because it was going to be a fun place to go with only half a year of academic work, which bored me as a kid.
A: I had a blast! Loved related, loved co op, loved all my teachers. I was in a great group of people, and enjoyed making life long friendships as a result.
I was a VICA Kid, and went to work as soon as I was allowed. I was awarded the Teacher’s Award as well.
Henry's Advice
To Future Bears
Hard work, generosity, and self discipline are the keys to a successful life adventure.
To Current Students
Always try to succeed at a level that will make future you want to say thank you.

I have recently got into gardening and learning about plants as medicine.
I think everyone who graduated from GNBVT should get involved in some way with the Alumni Association.
A: I went to work, realized the old line cooks were miserable, and enrolled in BCC looking for a degree in something I was interested in.
A: I got a degree in Communications. Went to Bridgewater State and hated it… Joined the Walt Disney World College Program as a culinary assistant and worked for the Mouse. Came home and went to UMASS Dartmouth for 1 semester and equally hated that. Started subbing at GNBVVT in 1999. Bought and sold two restaurants, got married , had children, and opened a full service bar and grille, ran for city council, became a full time teacher by 2007. The rest as they say, is history. I have remained in the industry working nearly fulltime and teaching for the last 17 years.
A: I am a chef instructor and the most important ingredient is patience.