Contact Information
Warley Williams
Extension: 782
Room: B173
Carmen Amaral
Director of Academic Programs / EL Coordinator
Extension: 678
Room: B180
GNB Voc-Tech offers a full range of courses in mathematics, science, social studies, English and a variety of Advance Placement (AP) courses. The school’s curriculum is aligned with the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks.
Through this course of study, students wishing to pursue a higher education are able to meet all of the academic requirements necessary for them to be admitted into state colleges and universities as well as private colleges. Additionally, the career and technical skills that they acquire give them a competitive advantage when entering the workforce or the armed services.
Many of the school’s graduates go on to become leaders in business and industry or in civic and political life in the region. In a typical class, more than 78% of the graduates choose to continue their education, either at colleges or technical schools. Another 15-18% of the graduates enter the workforce, and approximately 3-4% of them enter the armed services.
The Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) exam is administered to all sophomores and to other students who are required to take the test. Presently, a minimum score of 220 is required in math, and science, and English to be eligible for a high school diploma. Other local graduation requirements apply.
In addition, the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT), the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) and the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) are administered at GNB Voc-Tech or in conjunction with other local schools. Most colleges require the SAT for admission.