GNBVT BPA Fall Leadership Conference
On Thursday, November 2nd, The GNBVT Chapter Officer team attended the Fall Leadership Conference in Worcester at the College of the Holy Cross. The GNBVT Chapter was joined by six other schools; each chapter’s president gave a small speech for the opening general session. The GNBVT Chapter President, Noah Cabral, spoke to the rest of the BPA chapters and gave them a rundown of what our local chapter was contributing to increasing membership count and fundraising.

Noah Cabral spoke about recent fundraising events like the chapter-wide movie night which will be held in December, the ongoing candy fundraiser, and the volunteer opportunity which was handing out candy to kids during “Boo! At the Zoo” Halloween event. Also, in attendance at this conference were Principal Warley Williams and advisors Thai Panayakul and Jennifer Gaspar.
After the opening remarks, the officer team divided into three groups to attend workshops. Each of the workshops had activities that could be logged for torch award points.

The Torch Awards Program for BPA is designed to promote leadership and professionalism in both personal growth as well career development. These workshops included Getting Started in Digital Media led by, Lian Parsons-Thomason a Digital Content Producer from Harvard Division of Continuing Education, another workshop What Even is Financial Wellness and Why Should I Care?, led by John Shupe, and lastly the State Officer Team led a workshop to discuss the importance of torch awards.

The State Officer Team invited BPA members to participate in creating gift bags for United States veterans, which would contribute towards Executive Torch Award points.

The GNB Officer Team gave their full, undivided attention in each workshop and gained their torch award points from the conference. After the completion of all workshops, the GNB Officer Team enjoyed lunch with their advisors, where they were able to network with other members of BPA Massachusetts. Overall, it was a great experience for our GNBVT Officer Team; they cannot wait to participate in more events in the future!