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Human Resources

Mentoring Induction 

Mentoring and Induction Program

A Mentor offers support and advice to the novice teacher helping them transition into the teaching profession.

Program General Information

GNB Voc-Tech High School is dedicated to providing quality mentoring and support to all new staff with Massachusetts’s initial or preliminary licensure. The program combines one-on-one contact on regular basis with joint workshops on topics of interest to new educators. This program is approved by the Massachusetts Department of Education for the fulfillment of the mentoring requirement for professional licensure.

Program Expectations & Support


  • Three year program. New Educational staff will need to participate in 50 hours of mentoring beyond induction.
  • The Mentor-Protege relationship is confidential, informative and supportive.
  • Induction workshops are held in August prior to the start of the school year.

  Year One:

  • Mentors and Proteges meet weekly for a total of 35 hours in a school year. Proteges attend 4 required workshops.
  • Classroom observation visits by both Mentor and Protege for non-evaluative support.
  • Mentors attend mandatory trainings and meetings.

  Year Two:

  • Participate in a Book Study group.

  Year Three:

  • Participate in the Skillful Teacher course.




  • Share information about the Common Core, best teaching practices, planning, assessment and teaching for understanding.

  Classroom Management / Home School Partnerships:

  • Provide assistance with routines, organization, assessment and best practices leading to high levels of instructional rigor and engagement.
  • Share methods related to conferencing and communication with colleagues and parents.


  • Review district wide policies and resources adopted by the GNB Voc-Tech School.
Mentor Coordinators