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Career Planning

GNB Voc-Tech students experience in-depth career immersion beginning with the Freshman Exploratory experience that assists students in identifying a career pathway and program of study. Every 9th grade student explores fifteen (15) different CVTE shops (including at least one non-traditional shop) for three (3) days each from the start of school thru January.

Completion of Career Cruising assignments is a promotion and graduation requirement for all students.

GNB Voc-Tech utilizes Career Cruising in grades 9-12 to enhance every student’s college and career exploration journey. Students gain valuable insight and experience in the following areas:

• Understand what you want and need in your career
• Identify your interests and skills
• Determine what will give you job satisfaction
• Identify roadblocks in your life

Career Exploration
• Target a variety of occupations
• Gather “world of work” information
• Evaluate the information and narrow your choices

Developing a Career Goal
• Learn how to make career decisions
• Decide on a specific career
• Set goals and action plans

Marketing Student Skills
• Assemble an effective portfolio that displays your skills and talent
• Develop job search strategies
• Understand the labor market in your chosen field
• Write effective resumes and cover letters
• Learn how to interview well
• Follow-up and evaluate your job search and career goals

9th Grade:

Follow your binder instructions.

10th, 11th, and 12th Grade: 

End of November, all “completion standards” must be completed. “Reflect & Confirm” must be redone every year.


  1. Career Cruising Intro
  2. Career Cruising Logon
  3. Activity 3
  4. Awards and Certificates
  5. Career Selector
  6. Extra Curricular Activities
  7. Hobbies and Interests
  8. Learning Styles
  9. Matchmaker and My Skills
  10. My Saved Careers
  11. My Saved Clusters