- All students will respect staff and fellow peers when using the library facility as this is an extension of your classroom.
- BRING YOUR ID! Your ID is your library card.
- PASSES are required for admittance to the library at all times.
- Signing in and out is required if you enter without your teacher.
- Enter the library in an orderly manner and lower your voice. Understanding that the school library is a classroom and some productive conversation may occur, the library is to be used for QUIET study and research.
- All students will act with proper “library etiquette”.
- Backpacks and large bags are to be placed on the Backpack Rack or designated areas.
- Do not bring food, candy or drink into the library.
- All items taken from the library must be checked out.
- Respect the space, the equipment, and the materials by cleaning up your area, putting things away, pushing in chairs, and leaving the library in order at the end of the period.
- COPYRIGHT LAWS should be observed. Sources of information, including the Internet, should be cited in footnotes or a bibliography. PLAGIARISM is a serious violation of the school rules.
- Computers in the library and Technology Center are to be used for educational purposes only.
- Printing is limited and must be approved by library staff.
- Provide instruction and help in the use of library information, materials, and equipment.
- Provide a quiet, attractive, and friendly place for research and study.
- Provide help and resources for assignments and personal information needs.
- Provide recreational books, information, and materials.
- Purchase books, materials, and equipment to support GNBRVTHS educational goals.
- Purchase books that are fun to read and fulfill student requests.
- In Print: Electronic: Library Card Catalog, E-Library, Ebsco databases, Infotrac.
- CultureGrams Online, Internet Resources, Encyclopedias, Career and College Information, Local History, and MicroFilm.
- Word Processing, Database, Spreadsheets, Presentation Software, The Printshop, Inspiration, Timeliner XE.
- Equipment: Computers, TV, VCR, DVD, Video camera, Digital camera, LCD projector, and Portable SMART Board.
- Regular book checkout is two weeks (Exception: reference books: Overnight by permission after last period and returned before 7:30 A.M. the following day).
- If you have an overdue book, you cannot check out any library materials. Students with over dues will be reported to their respective coordinators. Notices will be sent home in the event that materials are not returned in a timely manner.
- Periodicals are available in the Periodical Room located in the back of the library, and may be checked out for 3 days.
- You may have a total of three items checked out at the same time.
- All lost items must be paid for. There may be a replacement cost.
- Please allow time for check out. Checkouts are not processed after the bell. If you wait until the last minute you may be late for class. Passes will not be issued if you are late to class.
SAT Prep
Reference Materials
Information Technology Skills
Dictionaries and More
- RhymeZone
- Freedict
- Word Spy
- Behind The Name
- Dictionary of Occupational Titles Index
- Visuwords
- The World Factbook
The Best Online Research Sites You’ve Never Heard Of
- Library Spot
- KidsClick
- Art Encyclopedia
- BioMedcentral-Open Access Publisher
- Digital History
- Global Infomine
- Internet History Sourcebooks Project
- Internet Public Library
- Library of Congress
- Perseus Digital Library
- Project Gutenberg
- A Research Guide for Students
- GPO Access
- Mark Twain Quotes
- Cut the Knot
- Biology Website References
- The Children’s Literature Web Guide
- Charles Dickens Quotes
- Encyclopedia Mythica
- The Library of Congress American Memory
- American Sign Language Browser
- Medline Plus
- Rxlist the Internet Drug Index
- Brainy Quote
- Fact Check
- Snopes
- Weather
Work Citations
You may access the full suite of Gale databases here: Gale Databases
In addition, the library subscribes to Proquest, ELibrary, Culturegrams, EBSCO, World Book, and Salem Press.
Call the library at ext. 268 for more information.
GNB Voc Tech’s Library offers eBooks! You can now read eBooks through Commonwealth EBook Collection OR FollettShelf.
Ebooks can be read on school computers, at home, Kindles, iPads and iPhones. It’s just a click away!
Follow this link to create a Commonwealth EBook account:
- How do I create an account? Since this is a guest user account, the library is providing a guest username and password. To obtain a username and password call the library at ext. #268
- How do I read the eBooks? Once you’re logged on, you can just double click on a book or chart you would like to view and then click on “Read Online” and your eBook should then load in a separate window and you’re on your way!