Banner with school logo and school name and motto
Banner with school logo and school name and motto
school logo



Course & Program of Studies

In pursuit of our mission, the faculty, administration, school committee, parents, and students have a responsibility to create and contribute to a welcoming, challenging and culturally mindful school environment.

School Philosophy

  • Students can achieve mastery in reading, writing, speaking,  reasoning, computing, investigating, problem-solving, and creating in  all core academic subjects according to the standards set by the  Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks.
  • Students can achieve mastery in career and technical education that  reflects current industry standards and is aligned to the Massachusetts Technical Frameworks. 
  • Students can engage in responsible citizenship with integrity,  commitment to the common good, and with respect for others and  their environment.  
  • Students exhibit respect for diversity through participation in  programs and curricula dedicated to creating a culture of  understanding of race, ethnicity, family configuration, sexual  orientation, gender identity (including gender expression), religion,  and socioeconomic status.  
  • Students’ self-esteem and self-confidence are nurtured through  healthy social interaction with peers and adults in and outside of the  school.  
  • Students are instilled with a commitment to lifelong learning and  flexibility to adapt to social, political, and economic change.  
  • Students feel safe to attend and participate in all curricular and  extracurricular activities without threats to their physical or  emotional well-being.  

School Goals

  • To provide academic, vocational and technical programs that prepare our  students to be productive members of society, and our Greater New  Bedford communities; 
  • To provide integrated academic and vocational/technical programs that  challenge each student to achieve state performance standards;  
  • To provide programs and activities that contribute to a safe and supportive  environment for a diverse student body;  
  • To provide counseling services for all students to achieve academic,  personal-social and career goals;  
  • To use student assessment results to review and improve curricula,  courses, programs and instructional practices; 
  • To utilize the expertise of the Advisory Committees in order to provide new  areas of training required for community and industrial development;  
  • To support special populations in their classrooms and technical programs  to help them achieve academic and career goals;  
  • To provide staff with the professional development opportunities,  resources and support needed to motivate and engage students to master  challenging content in standards based classrooms and shops;  
  • To provide teachers with courses and practices that enable them to  facilitate student mastery of technology competencies;  
  • To provide professional development opportunities that will assist staff in  obtaining and maintaining professional licensure; 
  • To develop partnership with parents, businesses, industries and  community agencies;  
  • To provide on-going safety programs;  
  • To obtain 3rd party certification in our vocational programs;  
  • To align vocational programs with the Certificate of Occupational  Proficiency requirements.

School Committee

  • Carol Pimental, Chairperson, New Bedford
  • Kimberli Bettencourt, New Bedford
  • Paul Kitchen, Fairhaven 
  • Dr. Cynthia Marland, Dartmouth
  • Wayne Oliveira, Fairhaven 
  • Rita Ribeiro, New Bedford
  • Michael Shea, Dartmouth


  • Michael P. Watson Superintendent-Director 
  • Pamela Stuart Director of Business Operations 
  • Warley J. Williams, III Academic Principal 
  • Maciel Pais Executive Director of Operations, Technology and Digital Learning
  • Erin Ptaszenski Executive Director of Student Services
  • Carmen Amaral Director of Academic Programs / EL Coordinator
  • Cathie Rebelo Director of Career & Technical Programs