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Banner with school logo and school name and motto
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2025 – 2026


Course & Program of Studies

All students must earned a minimum of 127 credits over 4 years
Subjects  MassCore Standards 

BHE Admissions Standards

* Most Colleges & Universities

English 4 units 4 courses

4 units

Including completion of Algebra II or the Integrated Mathematics equivalent. A mathematics course during senior year is recommended for all students.  

Students may substitute one unit of Computer Science that includes rigorous mathematical concepts and aligns with the Digital Literacy and Computer Science  standards for a mathematics course.

4 courses 

Algebra I & II and Geometry or Trigonometry or comparable coursework including math during final year of high school


3 units lab-based science

Coursework in technology / engineering courses may also count for MassCore science credit. Students may substitute one unit of Computer Science that includes rigorous scientific concepts and aligns with the Digital Literacy and Computer Science standards for a laboratory science course.

3 courses 

from Natural Science and/or Technology Engineering, including 3 with laboratory work.

History 3 units

2 courses 

including 1 course in U.S.History

Foreign Language

2 units

of the same language

The Arts 1 units  

5 units 

Other additional coursework, including Career and Technical Education, or any of the above

2 courses

from the above subjects or from the Arts & Humanities or Computer Sciences


* State law (M.G.L. c. 71,s. 3) states: “Physical education shall be taught as a required subject in all grades for all students.” Health can be integrated into Physical Education, science, or taught as a stand-alone course.

** A unit represents a full academic year of study or its equivalent in a subject that covers all the standards contained in a specific Curriculum Framework.

*** Students enrolled in a state-approved Career and Technical Education program of studies have the option of opting out of World Language and Art and still fulfill MassCore.

**** Districts may designate students with demonstrated fluency and literacy in language(s) other than English as meeting the MassCore recommendations for World language.