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Banner with school logo and school name and motto
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2025 – 2026


Ryan Methia – Ext. 293

Statement of Purpose

The Physical Education / Health Department at Greater New Bedford Regional  Vocational Technical High School promotes a sense of self-awareness and well-being  in all of our students. Our Health Education Program will provide our students with  the information needed to make informed decisions regarding their health as well as  any necessary associated preventative measures. 

Our Physical Education Program will provide our students with the opportunity to develop lifelong skills in various physical activities while promoting the value of fair play and sportsmanship. The goal of this integrated department is to develop a sound  mind in a sound body which will help each of our students meet the everyday  challenges of the emotional, social and physical aspects of everyday life. 

Freshmen, Sophomore and Senior year Physical Education and Freshmen health classes are 1 credit courses. Junior Physical Education class is .5 credits. All students will need to earn 3.5 out of the 4.5 available physical education/health credits. One of those credits has to be Health.

Physical Education

Freshman & Sophomore Physical Education – 1 Credit 

Physical Education Freshmen and sophomore physical education will teach basic understanding and fundamental skill development in a variety of activities and games while emphasizing the importance of lifelong fitness as a personal goal. Games and activities will include weight training & conditioning,  volleyball, basketball, badminton, pickleball, Frisbee games, cooperative games,  softball/wiffle ball, hockey, soccer and football. During these units students will improve their coordination, agility, strength, flexibility, and endurance. To facilitate the department’s student learning goal freshmen and sophomore physical education classes will include a daily warm-up, skill-based instruction, gameplay and assessments. In  addition this program will attempt to instill confidence and self-esteem in our students as they learn about the importance of physical fitness to their overall wellness and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Junior Physical Education – .5 Credit 

Junior physical education will be delivered to our students in a recreational style. Activities will include weight training & conditioning, volleyball, basketball, badminton, pickleball, Frisbee games, cooperative games, softball/wiffle ball, hockey, soccer and football. Junior physical education classes will replace related once per academic cycle.

Senior Physical Education – 1 Credit 

Senior physical education classes will be gameplay focused and will push students to develop their strategic understanding of the games and activities we offer. The physical education department will instill the importance of confidence and self-esteem in relation to physical activity to promote a healthy lifestyle. 


Freshman Health – 1 Credit

The goal of our freshmen health program is to deliver essential information to our students that  will help them deal with issues in a positive way and make healthy decisions that will have a  direct impact on their lives. The Freshman Health classes combine with our Physical Education  classes to make up our Wellness Program. Freshmen Health classes will cover the following  topics Communication & Active Listening, Bullying, Harassment & Title IV, Alcohol & Drugs, Identity, Self Esteem & Self Image, Sexual Education & Human Sexuality, Mental Health & Suicide Prevention & Nutrition.