Banner with school logo and school name and motto
Banner with school logo and school name and motto


Student Handbook


small version of 2019 Logo


Dear Parents and Guardians,

Morning Drop-off:

  • All parents dropping off their child must drop them off in the “horseshoe” in front of the building and NEVER IN THE PARKING LOT.
  • Follow all signs.

visual of how parents should make a loop for the parking lot drop offs


  • Entry into driveway for student pick-up is not allowed between 2:00-2:45p.m. unless you are dismissing a student. Pick up in the rear of the school is not allowed.
  • All pick-ups must be done on Ashley Blvd.


  • Bus routes are final and bus stops will not be added to bus routes.
  • If your child has a disability, and requires accommodations, please call Mrs. Thurbide at ext. 790.
  • Once students are issued an ID, they must wear it onto the bus to gain access.
  • Once a student has an established bus stop, they will not be able to ride on another bus unless they bring a parent/guardian note or a parent/guardian call is made to confirm the bus change with Mrs. Martin (Security Dept. Administrative Assistant).


Matthew Silva,

Assistant Principal Gr. 9-10 / Director of Security

508-998-3321 ext. 381 

Derek Medeiros,

Assistant Principal Gr. 11-12 / Director of Security

508-998-3321 ext. 277 

Re: Parking Permits

Dear Parent/Guardian,

As you may know, it is required that your child must have a parking permit to use the school parking lot. As stated in the Student Handbook: Parking on school property is a privilege, not a right. This privilege is limited to students with a parking permit. Students without a parking permit may not park on school grounds except on weekends, during school vacations, or when attending evening functions. Students that have a parking permit may park in white lined parking spots. Students will only be allowed to park in the yellow lined parking spots after 2:30 p.m., as these parking spots are reserved for teachers and staff.

The parking permit must be visible, and placed in the middle of the windshield, behind the rearview mirror. Parking permits will be strictly enforced for the school year. Students will have until the third week in September to park in the parking lot without a parking permit. After that, they will be told to park off campus until they get a parking permit. Students will be able to attain a parking permit free of charge, which can be picked up at the Security Office with Stacey Martin.

If you have any questions, please contact Stacey Martin at 508-998-3321 ext.286


Matthew Silva, Assistant Principal

Derek Medeiros, Assistant Principal

Dear Parent/Guardian:

The enclosed brochure explains the SCHOOL-TIME COVERAGE which the Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School has purchased for all students enrolled as of the first day of school. This coverage is only for school related activities and supervised travel to and from school. This insurance supplements but does not take the place of your personal insurance coverage. It is designed to cover those expenses not covered by other insurance the student might be insured under, not to duplicate benefits from such other insurance. Should a student have an accident, claim forms will be sent to the student’s home by mail.

Forms should be filled out and mailed to:

  • Bob McCloskey Insurance, P.O. Box 511, Matawan, New Jersey 07747 (within 90 days of the accident)

Any bills received by the parent should be forwarded to the above agency and not to the school. The brochure also offers coverage that provides benefits for all accidents during a twelve-month period, 24-hours a day wherever they occur, thus ensuring the student is adequately covered at all times. I urge you to read this brochure, remember, the school district will provide the school-time coverage. If you decide to purchase the 24-hour coverage, please fill out the enrollment application and mail it directly to Bob McCloskey Insurance.

The Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School, through its School Committee and its employees, in selecting an insurer to offer this coverage, does not mean to restrict your choice in selecting any other insurer. The District does not benefit from such selection and does not warrant or guarantee the solvency of any insurer.


Michael Watson,

Superintendent Director

To download this letter or see it in Spanish or Portuguese, click here

Accident Insurance Protection for Students please see letter for translation


Dear Parent/Guardians,

Please take a few minutes to review the detailed Attendance Policy, including reporting a student absent, dismissals, and tardy protocols in the student handbook (pgs.42-45)

Students are expected to be present and on time every day that school is in session. School starts at 7:30 a.m., and students must be present in their 1 st period class by 7:40 a.m., to be considered on time. If a student must be absent, a parent/guardian must call the school (508-998-3321 ext. 734), by 8:00 a.m., stating the student’s name, ID#, DOB, and reason for the absence. Failure to notify the school may result in the student being considered truant for the day. Truancy is being absent without permission, which will result in disciplinary action.

The Attendance Department does not allow phone call dismissals barring a serious family emergency. For dismissals, only a parent/guardian or person on the emergency contact may come to the Welcome Center to dismiss a student. If the person dismissing the student is not on the emergency contact, the student will not be dismissed. It is extremely important to make sure that the emergency information is updated (10A Emergency Contact Form). The Welcome Center staff will require the parent/guardian/emergency contact person to present a photo ID. If unable to provide the necessary required identification the student will not be dismissed. Please understand that these measures are in place for the safety of all students.

If the student is a self-driver, a permission note from a parent/guardian will need to be dropped off to the Attendance Office by the student before school, the note should include the student’s name, ID #, your telephone number and indicate if the student is a self-driver, the Attendance Office will then call to verify dismissal. All students regardless of age must follow the dismissal policy and procedures.

Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School has a strict Attendance Policy that requires unexcused absences and tardiness to be made up after school. Time owed is made-up after school in the cafeteria, Monday-Thursday, from 2:30-4:00pm., late bus transportation is provided, if needed. Failure to make up tardiness within 24 hours will result in further disciplinary action and will comprise school privileges, including all school sponsored events i.e., participation in sports, homecoming, junior banquet, senior prom and all extra-curricular activities.

For more detailed information regarding Attendance Policy/Protocols, including what is considered excused/unexcused absences and tardiness, please refer to the student handbook pages 42-45. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call my office, ext. 341.


Jennifer Carreiro

Supervisor of Attendance

Phone: (508) 998-3321 ext. 341 or 734

To download this letter or see it in Portuguese, click here

To download this letter or see it in Spanish, click here

Dear Parent / Guardian:

As a parent/guardian of a Greater New Bedford Voc-Tech student, you play a crucial role in fostering a healthy learning environment at the school. We are excited about partnering with you to help your child succeed.

What can you do to help? First, tell your child that you expect him/her to work hard each day. Sending your child to school, every day, and on time is the first step to ensuring that they will have a productive learning experience. Secondly, please read the Student Handbook to become familiar with the school, its programs, and its disciplinary code. Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School prides itself on creating a safe, secure, rigorous learning environment. We will not tolerate a lack of respect or tolerance for others. Proper behavior is expected of all students at all times.

Every parent must understand that while cell phones are a primary means of electronic communication, using a cell phone during the school day is not permitted. Our students have the privilege of possessing a portable communication device; however, use of their device is only permitted outside the school building before and after the instructional day.

Every year, a number of Greater New Bedford Voc-Tech students lose their chance to continue attending our school because of failing grades, lack of effort, safety concerns, disciplinary action, and/or attendance problems. While we do not treat such decisions lightly, we want you to know that we will not hesitate to discipline, or remove from school, any student whose behavior is disruptive to the learning environment. We owe that to the school and to its hard-working students, teachers, and staff.

We know that parents may not always agree with the discipline measures taken when a student violates a school rule, but our goal is to educate students. This includes educating them about discipline and the consequences they face when they decide to break the rules.

Over the years, Greater New Bedford Voc-Tech has built a reputation for providing a positive atmosphere in which students can excel. We are continually working to make the learning environment at our school even better. As we do so, we will be looking for your understanding, cooperation, and support. We thank you, in advance, for your support and look forward to partnering with you in the education of your child.


Warley J. Williams, III


To download this letter or see it in Spanish or Portuguese, click here

Dear Parent /Guardian:

A comprehensive health education curriculum has been developed by our professional staff under the guidance of the Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School Advisory Council. The overall goal of the program is to continue efforts begun in earlier grades to promote the health and the well-being of our students and to help them make wise and informed decisions during their teenage years and beyond.

Sex education is part of the health education curriculum in grade 9, including topics such as puberty; dating; relationships and communication skills; responsibilities of human sexuality; pregnancy; prevention of HIV+/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases; prevention of sexual abuse and dating violence; and other human sexuality issues. The instructional materials we use for these courses include up-to-date materials from Responsible Attitudes about Pregnancy Prevention and Parenting (RAPPP) which is a program provided by the SouthCoast Hospital Systems. If you would like to review any of these materials at the school, you are welcome to do so. Please call Ryan Methia, Coordinator of Health and Physical Education, to arrange a convenient time at (508) 998-3321, ext. 293.

During this course, students will be able to ask questions which will be answered factually and in an age appropriate manner. Each student’s privacy will be respected and no one will be put on the spot to ask or answer questions or reveal personal information. Material will be presented in a balanced, factual way that makes clear that people may have strong religious and moral beliefs about issues such as birth control and abortion, and that these beliefs must be respected.

Under the Massachusetts Law and School Committee Policy, you may exempt your child from any portion of the curriculum that primarily involves human sexual education or human sexuality issues. To receive an exemption, simply send me a letter at least three (3) days before the scheduled lesson(s) requesting an exemption for your son/daughter. No student who is exempted from this portion of the curriculum will be penalized. We may provide an alternative assignment to students including, but not restricted to, written, oral, or physical activities based on the school’s ability to provide adequate supervision to students exempted.

We look forward to working with you to ensure that your child has a positive and educationally enriching experience during his/her school year. If you have any questions about sex education or any other matter concerning your child’s education, please call me.


Warley J. Williams, III


To download this letter or see it in Spanish or Portuguese, click here.

The BEAR Awards is a very special award because, unlike the Renaissance or Dean’s Awards, it is solely based on teacher nomination and unlike those awards; it is not based on students’ grades, but on Behavior, Effort, Attitude, or Respect. Students have to demonstrate to their teacher that they have been outstanding in one of those areas or have shown such a marked improvement in an area that their teacher thought them to be worthy of being nominated. This award recognizes a students’ character – their willingness to make a change for the better; to bring a failing grade up to a C; to consistently turn in their homework; to show respect for his or her teacher and peers; or to make a valiant attempt to complete assigned tasks. Therefore, there are several ways students could be recognized as BEARs. Students who attain more than one BEAR nomination become a Most Valuable Bear (MVB) and are recognized at the end of the year in a special ceremony.



The purpose of the Dean’s List is to encourage student achievement and recognize successful freshmen who have contributed to our school in a positive way. To be eligible, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Average of 85 or above in academic courses
  • Average of 85 or above in their career and technical program
  • No grade lower than 75
  • ” 3 ” or better in conduct and effort

No disciplinary action resulting in suspension. If you have any questions regarding this program, please contact the Dean of Freshmen.

The National Honor Society (NHS) is the nation’s premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character. These characteristics have been associated with membership in the organization since their beginning in 1921. Today, it is estimated that more than one million students participate in activates of the NHS. NHS chapters are found in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, many U.S. Territories, and Canada. Chapter membership not only recognized students for their accomplishments, but challenges them to develop further through active involvement in school activates and community service. Four main purposes have guided chapters of NHS from the beginning- ” To create enthusiasm for scholarships, to simulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the student in secondary school” (From the NHS constitution) Theses purposes also translate into the criteria used for membership selection in each local chapter.

Attending school every day is a crucial component for student success. Students who
demonstrate commitment and responsibility to their education are recognized for Perfect
Attendance at the end of each trimester and year. To be eligible, students must meet the
following criteria:

  • Be present every day of school
  • No tardies
  • No dismissals
  • No outside suspensions