Paw Prints Family Newsletter

Dear GNBVT Families,
Excitement is in the air as we gear up for tonight’s Junior Banquet at White’s of Westport! Our 11th graders are in for an unforgettable evening filled with laughter, dancing, and creating cherished memories. We can’t wait to see our students dressed to the nines, ready to celebrate this milestone together.
As we dive into the festivities for the Juniors, I want to shift focus, and draw your attention to the Senior Activity and Event Schedule, which can be found both within this newsletter and in the "Class of 2024" Google Classroom. This schedule outlines the array of engaging events planned for our graduating seniors throughout this month. From senior prom to senior cookout, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.
However, amidst the excitement, let’s not forget the importance of staying focused on academic/vocational responsibilities. Seniors, this is a crucial time to ensure all coursework is completed and requirements for graduation are met. The finish line is in sight, and we want each and every one of you to cross it triumphantly. Parents and Guardians, please know that your support is vital in this process.
As we approach the pinnacle of the academic year, my personal highlight awaits: the Graduation Ceremony. There’s no greater joy for me than handing a diploma to each and every senior, celebrating their hard work and achievements. Caregivers, I urge you to work closely with your seniors and reach out to our Guidance Department if any support is needed to ensure a smooth path to graduation.
Let’s make this month a memorable one for our seniors, filled with both celebration and determination. Together, we’ll ensure they embark on the next chapter of their lives with confidence and readiness.
Warm regards,
Principal Williams
May 6-May 10- Teacher Appreciation Week
Wed May 8- School Nurse Day
Wed May 15- Senior Awards Night
May 16 & 20- Senior Finals
Tue May 21- Wed May 22- Math MCAS Gr 10
Wed May 22- Senior Cookout- Pick up-Caps & Gowns, Yearbook, Yard Signs
Thu May 23- Senior Sign Out- Prom & After Prom
Urgent Request for After Prom Volunteers
GNB Voc-Tech Community,
We’re reaching out to you with an urgent request regarding the After Prom event on May 23rd. As you may know, this event is an important tradition for our students. However, in order to ensure the safety and success of this event, we are in need of volunteers and donations of food items and raffle prizes.
Volunteers Needed: We are aiming to recruit 30 to 40 more volunteers to help with various aspects of the event. If you are able to volunteer your time, please sign up using the following link: Without an adequate number of volunteers, we will be unable to run the After Prom event safely.
Donations Needed: If you or your business are able to donate food items such as appetizers, snacks, desserts, or beverages, or if you would like to contribute raffle prizes such as gift cards, electronics, or other exciting items, please click on the following link to coordinate your donation:
Thank you in advance for your support, consideration, and commitment to ensuring the safety and enjoyment of our students during this memorable event.
Class of 2024 "Paw Prints to Graduation" Senior Activity and Event Schedule
Please carefully review the Senior Activity and Event Schedule.
Some of the dates, activities and events are tentative and will need further planning and approval to make them happen.
It’s hard to believe that we are in the final stretch of the school year. As we finish the last trimester of the year and nicer weather is quickly approaching, please keep in mind that all students are expected to be present and on time every day that school is in session. School starts are 7:30 a.m., all students must be present in their 1st period class by 7:40 a.m. Students who are tardy to their 1st period class and or school must serve a tardy detention within 24 hours. All tardy detentions and time owed for unexcused absences are served in the cafeteria Monday through Thursday, from 2:30-4pm. Failure to serve tardy detentions and or time owed, may result in further disciplinary action including not being able to attend or participate in extra-curricular activities, sports, Junior Banquet, and Senior activities including Senior Sign-out and Prom. Please check your email and Aspen daily for attendance information.
Don’t Let the Spring Slump Effect You!
Do Your Job!
Be In School, On Time!
"School keeps you safe, it educates you, it prepares you for your future. Don’t miss out!”
Congratulations to all students who received “Perfect Attendance” in Trimester 2
Class of 2024: 41 Students
Class of 2025: 48 Students
Class of 2026 : 48 Students
Class of 2027: 116 Students
June 7th– Early Release: 10:49 am (Graduation)
June 10- Finals- Odd Cycle: Early Release 10:49 am
June 11- Finals- Odd Cycle: Early Release 10:49 am
June 12-Finals- Even Cycle: Early Release 10:49 am
June 13-Finals-Even Cycle: Early Release 10:49 am-LAST DAY OF SCHOOL
REMINDER: Freshman Class of 2027
MA Department of Public Health MANDATORY Scoliosis Screenings will be conducted for freshmen who are currently in gym through May 8th. This is a state requirement for the nursing staff. If you do not wish for your student to participate, please notify the nursing staff to opt out your child from this screening.
REMINDER: Sophomore Class of 2026
Those entering 11th grade in the fall, please provide a copy of your updated immunization record. Proof of meningococcal immunization is required for the start of the school year if you are 16 years old. For those turning 16 years old during the school year, please bring a copy of your immunization record once updated. Please be on the lookout in the upcoming weeks for a letter indicating the most recent physical on file in the nursing office, along with the status of your vaccination record.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a month in which we recognize the challenges around mental health issues, work to erase stigma as well as support one another. Know that you are not alone as millions of Americans are affected by mental illness. Feel free to reach out to our nursing staff if you need to talk, we are here for you. Together we can make a difference and be there for one another.
Health Office Contacts:
Greater New Bedford Voc-Tech Students to Attend Business Professionals of America National Leadership Conference in Chicago
Forty-two students from Greater New Bedford Voc-Tech Business Professionals of America (BPA) chapter will attend the 2024 BPA National Leadership Conference in Chicago, Illinois, May 9-14.
The conference will bring together an estimated six thousand delegates from across the country to vie for top honors in business and information technology skills competitions, attend leadership and professional development workshops, receive awards for community service activities, and elect BPA’s 2024–25 national student leadership team.
The 2024 National Leadership Conference is presented by Certiport, a Pearson VUE business, the leading provider of certification exam development, delivery, and program management services. Conference attendees can obtain valuable industry certifications during the event.
While in Chicago, participants will also have opportunities to network with other BPA members and business leaders, visit famous Chicago attractions, and participate in community service activities.
The conference’s opening session on May 10th and awards ceremonies on May 14th will be streamed live online at Good luck to all competitors.
About Business Professionals of America Business Professionals of America (BPA) is the premier Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) for middle, high school, and college/university students preparing for careers in business and information technology. BPA provides opportunities for growth through education, competitive events, leadership development, and community service. The organization has more than 51,000 members in schools in the United States and China. Learn more at
Class of 2027 Fundraiser
Come out on May 31st at 7:00 to support the Class of 2027 as they host a Live Pro Wrestling event in the Field House! Tickets are now on sale and can be purchased online through GoFan or use he QR code provided below.