August 20: Freshmen Orientation
August 26: Freshmen Only- First Day
August 27: First Day of School- All Students
September 2 :Labor Day- No School
For your reference, the calendar for the entire year is provided below.
The nursing staff wishes you a fun and amazing summer. May you find the time to get outside, be active and enjoy your family and friends. Take this time to re-energize, make memories as well as grow as a young adult. We wish you much happiness and we look forward to seeing you next school year.
Over the course of the summer the nursing staff will be coming into school. Feel free to have your parent/guardian reach out with any health concerns that may arise. We will also be reviewing any medical documentation that will come in during the summer as well.
**Please continue to provide updated physicals as well as immunization records to be able to assist the nursing staff in complying with the Department of Public Health’s requirements. We welcome any updated information that is sent in throughout the summer.
As we honor Pride Month this June, we remember to celebrate our differences, be supportive of one another as well as be kind to each other. Together as a school community we can accomplish great things as one unified body and spirit. May our collective strengths help us face any challenges and be there in support of one another!
Remember, should any difficulties arise, the nurses are here to help and be a resource for you during times when you may need additional assistance.
Health Office Contacts:
"Dost thou think, because thou art virtuous, there shall be no more cakes and ale?"–Twelfth Night. Sophomore students celebrate the finale to performing Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night with a beautiful cake baked by Culilnary Arts major Nathan LeBoeuf.
Chicago May 9-14
Read on about the GNBVT students at the BPA conference!
June Update….
Please read on below to learn about our SkillsUSA students attending State Competition, GNBVT Chapter recognition, heading to the National competition in Atlanta and more!
GNB Voc-Tech and Cuttyhunk STEAM Academy Host Three-Day Renewable Energy and Climate Education Event
After Prom 2024… 50’s style!!