Dear GNBVT Families,
What an exciting Spirit Week we’ve had! Our students showed off their 2000s era styles, rocked their pajamas, and today, they proudly displayed their class colors—our 9th graders in white, 10th graders in gold, and our seniors in black. As I write this, the energy around the building is absolutely electric. We’re gearing up for our Fall Pep Rally, planned entirely by our senior class in the Field House. This event is sure to spark even more excitement as we head into tonight’s Homecoming football game and tomorrow night’s Homecoming dance.
At the pep rally, we’ve got obstacle course competitions, cheering, class showdowns, and the highlight—yours truly getting pied in the face by the winner of the obstacle course competition (just one of the many perks of being the principal!).
There are always amazing and fun events happening for our students, and I can’t express how much joy it brings me to be part of such a well-rounded experience that balances both fun and our students’ busy, rigorous schedules. These events contribute to a thriving school culture and climate, where positivity is contagious, and our students can truly shine.
Please enjoy the Principal’s Weekly Message below!
Wishing you all an amazing and fun-filled weekend ahead!
Warmly, Warley Williams Principal, GNBVT
Oct 1- Nov 1- Donation of Gift Cards- for After Prom Calendar Fundraiser
Sat Oct 19- Homecoming Dance:@ GNBVT: 6 pm
Sat Oct 19 & Sun Oct 20- The Torch Foundation Training for Teens: 9am-5 pm each day
Mon Oct 21: College Boot Camp-Seniors
Tue Oct 22: Resource Fair for students- During lunches
Thu Oct 24-Sophomore Class Ring Presentation by Jostens -Class Assembly: 2 pm
Fri Oct 25- Your Vote is Magic- Presentation: 1:30 pm for all Seniors and 6:30 pm for the public
Tue Oct 29- College Financing Seminar- Auditorium: 6 pm
Tue Nov 19-Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)- Testing: details in Guidance Dept.
Student Life is excited to share the 2024-2025 Special Events Listing. Mark these dates on your calendars and watch for details as events approach!!
Resource Fair-October 22-During Lunches
Attention GNBVT Families! We’re excited to announce that the DEI Office will host a Resource Fair during lunch on Tuesday, October 22nd for students! This is a fantastic opportunity for students to explore the many programs and activities available to them throughout the Greater New Bedford community. Whether they’re looking for wellness services, career advice, recreational activities or community engagement opportunities, the Resource Fair has something for everyone!
We will have representatives from various organizations to speak to your students about the programs they offer that are geared to their age group. Plus, there will be some great giveaways! We look forward to having an amazing event. Connect with Mrs. deMelo, DEI Community Specialist via email at maria.demelo@gnbvt.edu with questions.
Seeking Gift Card Donations for After Prom Gift Card Calendar Fundraiser-Donations requested by Nov 1st
The After Prom Committee is reaching out for your support with the After Prom Gift Card Calendar Fundraiser. We are in need of 30 gift cards to make this event a success. We are asking for donations of $20 or more in the form of gift cards, which will help us reach our fundraising goal and provide a fun, safe, and memorable experience for our seniors. Gift card donations are requested to be turned in by Friday, November 1st.
Your contributions will make a big difference, and we would be very grateful for any help you can offer. Thank you for being a part of our community and for supporting our seniors. For donations or questions, please contact Jenn Gaspar at ext. 244 or Rick Quintin at ext. 300 or email jennifer.gaspar@gnbvt.edu/richard.quintin@gnbvt.edu
Program for Freshmen and Sophomores- 9 am – 5 pm- Oct 19 & 20th
The Torch Foundation offers personal growth and leadership workshops for teens ages 13-17. The two-day seminar and one month of one-on-one coaching are tailored to teens’ unique interests and needs, providing a safe, engaging, and inspirational environment for profound self-discovery and growth.
Through carefully guided exercises and activities, the teens will: 1) Discover their maximum potential 2) Identify the beliefs and other obstacles that are stopping them from achieving their potential 3) Learn effective ways to overcome those obstacles.
The powerful tools and skills gained through this experience will allow the teens to transform their lives and create unlimited possibilities for themselves, their families, and the world!
Guidance welcomes the addition of Guidance Counselor, Ms. Alexandra DaSilva to the Guidance team.
Ms. DaSilva will be serving as a 9th-10th grade Guidance Counselor. She will be working with the following students:
9-1 students with last name letters M-Z
Grade 10 students in Academy C (AM, DS, CL, CS, PW, MS, IS, BT).
Contact Ms. DaSilva: alexandra.dasilva@gnbvt.edu – ext 303
Upcoming Events
- The Guidance Department is here to support all of our students. If you have questions or concerns, please call/email your student’s guidance counselor.
- The College Boot Camp is scheduled for 10/21. Seniors will be invited to attend during their senior related class. Students who are planning on attending a 4 year college/university should attend. Students will learn about the Common App and have the opportunity to navigate it online.
- On October 24th, a group of seniors will be touring UMass Boston and Wentworth Institute of Technology.
- Tuesday, October 29 at 6:00 we will be hosting a College Financing Seminar in the Auditorium with Beth Connelly-Sylvia from the Educational Opportunity Center for Juniors and Seniors and their parents/guardians. Here you will learn about the financial aid process as your students are getting ready to apply to college.
- The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) testing is scheduled for November 19th. Please listen for the announcements and see your guidance counselor with questions.
Oct 21- Dress your type
Oct 22- Pajama Day
Oct 23- Dress like the 2000’s
Attention Class of 2027
Screenings Oct 21st-Nov 4th
Hearing/Vision/BMI (during shop cycle)
MA Department of Public Health MANDATORY Screenings: Hearing/Vision and Body Mass Index (BMI) screenings will take place on October 21st through November 4th. This is a state requirement for the nursing staff. If you do not want your student to participate, please notify the nursing staff.
Attention Freshman Class of 2028
Screenings Nov 7th- Nov 22nd
Scoliosis (during gym)
MA Department of Public Health MANDATORY Scoliosis Screenings will be conducted from November 7th-November 22nd for freshmen who are in gym Trimester I. This is a state requirement for the nursing staff. If you do not want your student to participate please notify the nursing staff to opt out your student. Future scoliosis screenings are also scheduled for Trimester II (December 9th-January 6th) as well as Trimester III (April 28th-May 12th).
Please continue to provide the nursing staff with updated medical paperwork, including physicals and immunization records so we can have the most up-to-date medical information on file.
Health Office Contacts:
Care Package Sent to Ms. Racine: Deployed PE Teacher
The first care packages for Ms. Racine, are on their way to her and her platoon!! Two boxes have been sent full of needs, wants, and a few surprises Our Culinary students made cookies for the platoon as well. Our football team autographed a ball which was included in the care package.
Ms. Racine has been deployed for one year with the Army National Guard, assigned to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Her service started in June.
Winter Sports Registration is now open! You can scan the QR code or use the link below to get registered: