Banner with school logo and school name and motto
Banner with school logo and school name and motto
school logo


All breakfasts include 1% white milk or FF chocolate milk, orange juice, fresh orange or apple fruit choice.

All lunches include 1% white milk or FF chocolate milk, apple or orange, portioned fruit, and fresh carrots w/ranch dip, 

Daily Meatless Salad available: Lettuce mix, tomato, cucumbers, cheese, croutons, yogurt, roll, lite ranch or lite Italian dressing

Menu subject to change due to food shortages and delivery schedules.

Please contact the cafeteria manager Andrea Colp for any food modifications at 508-998-3321 x280

Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School will comply with the Civil Rights Requirements outlined in FNS Instruction 113-1 and the 2016 Memorandum of Understanding between United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service Civil Rights Division and the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Office for Food and Nutrition Programs. If a participant, parent/guardian, or potential participant reports a concern that involves a federally or state protected class we will inform, accept, document, and share the complaint or concern in accordance with the USDA, NSCRD and DESE OFNP procedures with Yolanda Dennis, GNB Executive Director of DEI and Compliance at 508-998-3321 ext 563 or