Banner with school logo and school name and motto
Banner with school logo and school name and motto
school logo

Visual Design and Early Childhood Education collaborated to bring enriching art projects for the preschool students.  The Visual Design students along with their teacher, Ms. Laurie Hipolito, prepared four stations for the preschoolers to craft.  The students created paper flowers, origami butterflies, decorate their initials and designed puppet monsters!  The intention of the Early Childhood Education program along with their teacher, Ms. Deborah Brightman, was for the preschoolers to practice fine motor skills, follow instructions, identify shapes, and work together with the high school students.  It was a positive experience that was beneficial to all students and both programs.

Childcare students working on the art project
Childcare students proudly demonstrating their art work
Visual Design students with child care students working on an art project at the table - long angle to the students
Visual Design teaching overseeing childcare students
Childcare student smiling with artwork
Childcare students learning from Visual Design students about the artwork
Artwork produced by childcare students in visual design class
Visual Design students with child care students working on an art project at the table
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